Lately, as I've been going through the motions of life: get up, eat, bathe, go to work, work, eat, work, break, work, go home, do chores, go to sleep, REPEAT. I've been questioning myself more and more... Why am I here? What is the purpose of this constant repetition? It's not helping me at all. I want to be better than this, I can be better than this... And I am reminded of a conversation I had recently, my friend said to me:
This stopped me for a nanosecond, right in my tracks.
Then, being the poet and writer that I am I immediately came up with the retort "But you can be better than you were yesterday."
I didn't really give it much thought after that, but I knew we had both stumbled across a saying that was rich with lots of teachings. He, like myself, is an artist. If I may be so bold and speak for both him and myself, we are constantly striving for some semblance of perfection, which is unattainable, because there is no such thing as "perfect". Unless it is a perfect imperfection, an acceptance of all that makes "it" up making it perfect. Even then, there will be an artist looking to improve upon what it is.
I took up a couple of Bruce Lee books. For those of you who don't know (shame shame shame!) check him out here. I came to the epiphany that if there were someone I could meet, dead or alive, and have a conversation with, it would definitely have to be this man. Hands down. The way his thought comes alive off paper really synchronizes well with the way I think and feel about life and people.
However, I still have a lot to learn. Jeet Kune Do, Mr. Lee's fighting... pardon me... his Martial Art teaches things like be of spirit and no spirit, be of mind but no mind. These are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg, but how I've come to interpret parts of it is that you have to be in a constant state of awareness without being aware that your thinking. So that you receive your messages loud and clear without having to look for them. Oh man... I don't even know if that is correct... HA!
But in essence, Mr. Lee teaches that you have to be honest with yourself. Honestly honest. As I journey on this path of self-re-discovery I realize things (some of them again, because they were forgotten), I cannot be put into a box. Or I will whither and become putrid. Like this Jack-In-The-Box.
This serves no purpose to myself, and not to my fellow man.
So I've decided to live this year in an effort to constantly improve myself. Last couple of years I've talked about change change and more change. But the thing is, you can change all you want, but if you're not moving in the direction of the goals you want to achieve, all that change is for naught.
This means my goals are changing, can't keep doing what I've been doing for the past three, four, five years over and over, I really will drive myself insane. Albert Einstein didn't say it, but it is a truth I recognize in all aspects of my life.
The only time repetition without change has been good is when studying your mathematical and algebraic equations. Everything else is as fluid as water. So much like Mr. Lee says, I want to be like water, take the form of whatever situation I find myself in, be supple enough to move through it with ease, yet strong enough to break free of it if I must.
With that I shall leave you with one of my favourite fan made videos of Mr Lee, "Be Water, my Friend":
Thank you for reading...
See you on the other side!
Kym Dominique-Ferguson
The Jamhaitianadian